Friday, November 9, 2012

What thing should remind you before you will diet

Are you ready to gain weight loss? yes if you would like to diet or want to gain weight loss.You should know something that you should aware yourself in order to be good to your health
35 easy ways to gain weight loss
before gain natural weight loss
1.Early stage,you can gain weight loss fast,because your body loses water.after that your weight will be steady and will be decreased slowly.All food was burnt and transformed as fat in this session,then weight loss gainer can be discouraged ,because they want to lose weight quickly that is same as first session. We recommend that you all should not be discouraged.if you still continue being will lose fat and your body will be slim permanently.
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2.Should eat three full meals a day,you should not skip any meal, especially breakfast. You should eat,because we must spend energy all day in order to do many activities and you will be not too hungry.
3.Should eat dinner  before your bedtime approximately  4-6 hours.After that you should not eat any food.except water
4.should not often eat anything,should not drink soft drink(syrup,pepsi Coca cola)and alcoholic beverage,because there is high sugar in Those drink
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weight loss
fiber food for gain weight loss
5.You should eat food which has a high fiber such as brown rice,whole grains, various fruits and vegetable,They can help you getting full and good for digestive system
6.If it is possible, you should cook your own meals.because we can limit the amount of oil.If you must went to eat at restaurant,you should specify your menu only boiled,baked or steamed menu.Do not order fried menu,because it contains a lot of oil
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7.dont eat lean meats.if you still want to eat eat fish,because there is low fat on fish.
8.Should exercise regularly by continue going exercise 30 minutes at least without stopping to do that in order to stimulate the metabolism.if you can not exercise should exercise 3 days a week.that is good for your health and you can gain natural weight loss
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Note : sometime there is someone came to ask us why you can gain easily.Maybe many obesity people would like to ask this boring question.because we know why we can gain weight easily.There are many factor cause us.One of many factor is our eating habit that we often like eating,then if we would like to gain weight lose.we must stop eating more.then there is some secret to stop eating more if you would like to know please Click Here! 

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