Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fat or not fat does matter?

After you know how your body mass index is.then you know that you are fat or not fat.if you know you are slim still.it is not problem.isn’t it?if you know you are getting fat.how do you feel, sad upset stress , nervous or happy as you are.I believe that some people must be worried ,especially woman.They always nervous how weigh they are.it is concerned with beauty,self confidence and body image.Some woman is worried that her lover will love her  a bit  or even leave them.There was the result of some poll that was arranged  by ask.com that was concerned with love and life style

weight loss weight loss

source : women.thaiza.com

source :zeedlady.newsrama2.com

The result reviewed that

    1. 50 % of men will leave his girl friend if they founded there girlfriend  getting girlfriend getting fat ,There are only 20 % of woman would do the same thing as men’s
    2. 39 % of men said that  Family is the most important index that indicated  of the status.but woman said that the beautiful home is the most important
    3. 25 % of people said that succeeded couple is the real index of the status.

How do you think about this result of this poll.if you were woman ,maybe you would get stress,would not you?  will you try to get weight loss? That mean fat or not fat does matter for you.

Note : now you think that Fat or Not fat is matter for you.if you are fat or over weight ,then  do you know that 1 Mistake YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW You're making that is Killing your chances of losing fat?-And how avoiding this mistake will make fat loss a breeze then if you would like to know why please Click Here!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Body Mass Index

World Health Organization defines obesity and overweight  as a condition in which the body has much fat that is collected in different parts of the body more than standard. it is a risk factor and cause various diseases that affect health. It may cause death. When the Body Mass Index, or abbreviated as BMI / BMI ranging from 25 up to called overweight. If you have a body mass index of 30 or more as obesity.Obesity and overweight are caused by the diagnosis, treatment and risk factors for various diseases as well as in all respects. Different severity of health problems. In the less severely overweight people are obese. Thus, in both medical and overweight, obesity is often mentioned together always. then It is a simple tool that helps to figure out the amount of excess body fat and the associated risks of carrying this extra weight. It can be applied to both men and women. It is advisable to use ‘Body Mass Index’ along ‘Waist to Hip Ratio’ to get a complete picture of your weight status.

pigeonskinny1 thin-woman-fat-woman
Source : afterelton.com

Source :blindgossip.com

Note : you try to gain weight loss,don’t you? if you are doing this thing.you should know something about fat loss.Why 97% Of Those Trying To Get Lean and How You Can Put This Scientifically Proven Fat Loss System To Work For YOU in order to gain weight loss. Plus Save $$$ And Discover Exactly Why 99% of All Fat Loss Supplements Are Total Junk and Which Ones Will Actually Help You Lose Body Fat Naturally and Safely.then come one to click Click Here!

Friday, October 19, 2012

obesity in Thailand

I think that it is not different from Thailand, there are many fat people in Thailand,maybe caused by the same factor that cause american people getting fat.there is also many junk food or fast food being sold here.Many Thai people like eating junk food.They also lack of exercise ,just eat and sleep.it is not surprise that why there are many illness happened to Thai people now.if we asked dietician or the doctor.one factor cause the different illness is because we eat food that  does not follow the Nutrition that leading to get extra pound or overweight.finally they get some illness that is indirectly influenced obesity.Finally it may be too late to get weight loss

Why are there many fat people now.

When people talk about a fat people,we must recall Americans people, Because Americans people are considered as the fattest nation in the world (Average of all citizens's weight), the statisticians also found that after they are 20 years old above,the Americans' weight would get increased  ½ -1 ½ pounds by average every year, this extra weight is increased cause by collective fat in their body.Causes of obesity are their life are more comfortable. they don't have to loss energy for doing many thing,because there are many facilities for living such washing machine vacuum for flog.mower,dishwasher and car
 This is the cause of the Americans' obesity.

Health care service to gain weight loss

Currently,there are many people are  interested in weight loss,because they were awared of the ill  that is effected by  obesity or overweight.Of course it affects a physical health and mental health.It does not matter you are  male,female,young people or even older people.Many of them went to be customer of health care clinic in order to gain weight loss increased.I would say that the most flourishing business  is  the Health care service in order to gain weight loss.In Thailand, there are many health care clinic established in different city  that managed by Thai people and foreigner.They are advertised widely in 
many style,example .
To gain weight loss easily just touch  one fingertip.I listen and read the advertisement,caused I wondered and being interested that  because  It is very easy ,but it can get weight loss effectively  or not.Should we try getting weight loss with them?

How to gain weight loss

weight lossDo you have a problem about overweight? if you have the problem,have you ever try to gain weight loss? if you ever tried to do.can you tell us how to gain weight loss.It is not easy,isn't it.it depend you your eating habit,your metabolism  in your body,the structure of each person's body,exercise and what you prefer to do each day.someone feed many food a lot,after that nothing to do.just sit then sleep and lack of exercise.Some eat food a bit and go to exercise everyday,but they eat all meal and each meal they eat a lot.they also have never gain weight loss.do you ever notice someone who eat a lot,but their weight has never getting increased,on the other way someone eat a little bit and also go exercise,but they  have never gained weight loss.The answer is it depend on each person's metabolism that is influenced by genetics.